Friday, February 29, 2008

Crazy Cat
Elizabeth St, Melbourne
Photo courtesy of Kitten Wrangler
What this cat is doing here, how it got there, and what if anything it was advertising remains a mystery (until I can be bothered trying to find out). He just sits there, poking his gigantic head above the surrounding streetscape, possible trying to catch pigeons with his two dimensional tongue. Or not, whatevs.


Kitten Wrangler said...

Next time I'll do some research before sending you a photo:

"Nearby on Elizabeth Street, all that remains of the enormous Mazda Globes painted sign is the trademark cat’s head, so high up that most pedestrians are not even aware of it, while a few doors down and covering the top half of an early 20th Century high rise a painted sign informs shoppers that Newmans has ‘Moved to 280 Collins Street’. Except for this painted reminder, never meant to have existed for perpetuity, Newmans would be completely forgotten."

Anonymous said...

The sign was indeed for Mazda Light Globes. I remeber seeing the sign and faded letters off to the right which were painted over grey only a few years back.

The sign was originally the full width of the building and can be seen in the opening scenes of 'On The Beach' where there are horses and carts outside the GPO which was the 'Department of the Navy' for the film